Life™ Classic Zirconia

Life™ Zirconia Crowns & Bridges are designed to look and feel like beautiful natural teeth.

All Zirconia is not alike!

Not all Zirconia is alike. Yes, Zirconia can be chemically similar, but once processed the mechanical and optical properties can be significantly different.

Produced through time tested methods of in-house pre-shading, Life™ Zirconia CLassic is an optimal choice for fast and effective crowns


  • High strength of 1100Mpa
  • High stability

Excellent long term aesthetics

  • Tooth colored material
  • Unique shading system
  • Homogeneous coloring
  • High, life-like translucency


  • Metal free
  • Clinical studies showed no allergic reactions (gingival)
  • Excellent regeneration of gingiva

Excellent fit

Supplied via Authorized MIlling Partners only

*Conditions apply - warranty provided as per terms mentioned in the warranty card