
Life™ Zirconia: Premium

Life™ Premium Highly Translucent All-Zirconia Restorations

  • Single crowns
  • 8 Unit bridges with upto 4 pontics in the anterior region
  • Inlay and Onlay bridges
  • Primary telescopes
  • Custom Zirconia abutments for a wide variety of implant systems

Life™ Premium Highly Translucent Frameworks

  • Single crowns
  • All bridges up to 48mm
  • Splinted crowns
  • Crowns on Implants
  • Cantilever bridges (excluded for patients with bruxism)
  • Inlay and onlay bridges4(excluded for patients with bruxism)
  • Anterior adhesive bridges4 (excluded for patients with bruxism)

Life™ Premium primary crowns / telescopes Life™ Premium build-ups for two-piece abutments

  • Splinted crowns up to 4 units
  • 5+ unit bridges (up to 48 mm) with a maximum of two pontics next to one another in the posterior area and a maximum of four pontics next to one another in the anterior area.
  • With a maximum of 1 pontics at the position of a premolar or incisor.
  • Tests have proven: Life™ Zirconia shows a sufficient strength for this indication. However, this type of indication overall can have a higher failure risk due to de-cementation and secondary caries regardless of manufacturer. Please refer to national and regional dental associations for more information.

Life™ Zirconia: Classic

  • Single crowns
  • Upto 3 Unit Bridges Only
  • Inlay and Onlay bridges
  • Primary telescopes
  • Splinted crowns
  • Custom Zirconia abutments for a wide variety of implant systems